Zar points
North / OW [Teams]
You are west. Picking up the last hand of the match :
K Q 10 7 4 |
K J 6 3 2 |
10 9 7 |
After 3 passes you have to decide.
Your system does not allow a weak two with just 5, neither do you have a weak two-suiter in your system.
So you decide to go with the Rule of Fifteen, this says you should pass.
You ask partner:
"Last hand how many points did you have?"
"Eight" he replies
Reassured you say: "OK I had only nine, we can't have missed much"
As you and your partner compare scores with your teammates the last game comes up
partner says: "All pass,so a zero score"
your teammate Paul says: "Two thousend-fourhundred-senventy for them"
"Yes they reached seven hearts and I could not believe that, holding club ace and KQ diamonds"
"So 20 imps"
Writing the imps on the scoresheet he draws the conclusion:
"I should not have doubled"
North / OW | North |
| J 2 |
| Q |
| A 6 4 3 2 |
| K Q 4 3 2 |
West |  | East |
K Q 10 7 4 | A 9 8 5 |
K J 6 3 2 | A 10 8 7 5 |
- | 10 9 8 5 |
10 9 7 | - |
| South | |
| 6 3 |
| 9 4 |
| K Q J 7 |
| A J 8 6 5 |
Yes but how did they bid it, did you push them????
North: Well no I thought my twelve count was pour, with doubleton jack, queen single and 12 points. Besides I did not want a diamond lead so I elected to pass.
After one spade it was my turn again, knowing their suits would fall favourable I decided to pass again, hoping not to push them any higher.
That didn't work.
West | North | East | South |
| Pass | 1 1 | Pass |
1 | Pas | 2 | Pass |
3 2 | Pass | 4 3 | Pass |
4 3 | Pass | 4 3 | Pass |
4NT 4 | Pas | 5NT5 | Pass |
7 | Dbl | ...Pass | Pas |
Pass | | | |
1. fivecard
2. forcing
3. 1st control
4. RKC
5. 2 aces and a renonce
After the match you congratulate the opponents and ask opponent west how did you reach seven hearts?
Well after 5NT (2 aces and a renonce) I knew partner had a renonce in clubs, he had already promised 5 hearts and four spades his 4 clubs showed a renonce as my minor suits also suggested.
With the ace of diamonds he would have bid four hearts after all he had a minimum ( he did bid two spades indicating a minimum).
After my four diamonds he knew I had a renonce diamonds with his minimum he would never have bid four spades.
That is the advantage of playing only first control cues.
After some thinking partner understood seven hearts was the contract it could not ask bid eight spades with good hearts.
Eight spades is hard to make but seven is ok.
Yes yes but why did your partner open his hand?
Well we play Zar.
Not too tough
- Count the length of your 2 longest suits (easthand) 5 + 4 = 9
- Count the difference between the longest suit minus the shortest suit-> (easthand) 5 - 0 = 5
- Add 6 points for aces, 4 for kings, 2 for queens and 1 for a jack -> (easthand) 6 + 6 = 12
Add 1+2+3 -> (easthand) 9 + 5 + 12 totals 26 in Zar that's an opening.
For the westhand that is 5 + 5 = 10 (longest suits)
5 - 0 = 5 (longest suit minus shortest suit)
4 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 11 (control HCP)
Totals also 26 points and in Zar opening plus opening is manche (52).
Zar also has corrections
- Trump fit above 8 add three points for every trump you have more
- Any card higher than 9 in partners suit add a point with a maximum of 2
- Any card higher than 9 in partners second suit add a point with a maximum of 2
Because of 4. I could add six points, because of 5. and 6. I added 2+2 totals 10 extra points
In Zar every level is five points therefore slam should be a possibility.
So I pressed on.
My partner can also use the corrections. But you ask where can I get the book?
It's on the internet
Zar Points Aggressive Bidding
And he kept on talking : The Zar hand evaluation has been tested on more than 200000 deals it works better than conventional .....
Examples Zar count
Zar rules
Board copied from
Website from: Zar Petkov
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