Paste the pbn (just 1 deal) in the textarea, choose your language and rotation.
Hit the create button this will open a new html page with the deal and auction in a set of div's.
The page has all the javascript to create exactly the situation you want.
The sizes of the div's are created dynamicly to make sure everything fits.
This also makes it easy to create a part of the bidding or
part of the deal.
Elements can be hidden.
You can even rotate the deal
180 or
270 degrees. You can copy this to word.
or create a html page.
Supported languages English and Dutch.
Use view source to see that other formats are created: Human readable, Deal, Deep finesse, Numeric cards-direction, Numeric direction-cards
Select language and rotation and paste the pbn into the text field. (1 board)
Hit the create button.
On the returned page there are a lot of links to create the situation you want see below:
Besides hiding and showing elements with the links you can:
• click on a card to hide it
• use the dropdown to hide a part of the bidding
Save the returned page as "start.html"
Create the situation you want then:
Click on the Save state button
The bottom of your "start.html" page now looks something like this:
Copy the highlighted text (Ctrl+c)
In the "start.html" source near the bottom you see this:
var currentstate="";
Copy the highlighted text into "var currentstate" like this:
var currentstate="1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,19";
Save as "situation1.html" and view in the browser
To create another situation empty the "var currentstate" in start.html like this:
var currentstate="";
And repeat the procedure. This way you can make a quiz or discuss a deal in several stages.
For Word you can just create a table of 3 rows and 3 cells per row. Than copy the hands in the cells.
Because the elements can be moved selecting an element for copying can be difficult, so hide all elements exept the one you need to copy.
Copy the bidding directly into the Word document. And you're done. If you need to edit the auction, don't forget that the auction is already in a table, .
Of course you can hide the table borders.
Or you could use a printscreen utility capture the several situations from your computer screen (Gadwin printscreen is free and a good one)
Some tips
In the source several other formats are created: Human readable format, Deal format, Deep finesse format and two numeric formats. They can be used to analyze the deal.
For the best results the javascript functions and global variables should be either in a js file or in the <head> section.
Making sure they are available when needed.
(If you create more than one html page a js file is better)
The actual function calls have to be below the diagrams.
The bids are counted like this so even empty cells are ignored!
Hide_after bid 7 will fill cell 7 with a questionmark and hide bids 8 and higher.
After this you copy the created html into a html page on your own website. This has 2 advantages: html on your own page loads 10 times as fast as php code.
And the himbuv site is not overloaded with requests.
• You can make a maximum of 36 request per day. After that the service will not process your requests for 24 hours.
The output will be: Error: Too many requests the maximum is 36 per day.
• The service can only proces 1 deal at the time, the maximum number of lines is 60 (comments are ignored)
The pbn tags
Not all the tags are supported the supported tags are below.
Deal: Required! → The script needs this one to be correct. [Deal "S:AKQ9.A63.7.A9764 J42.JT84.K9542.J T765.KQ95.Q8.KQ2 83.72.AJT63.T853"]
Event Site Stage Date: Optional → Defaults to be empty.
These 4 tags are combined in that order and placed in the first line of the page
Maximum length 140 characters. If the title is longer only the first 140 characters are displayed.
Allowed are letters, numbers, forward slash, dot, comma, colon, semicolon, ampersand, questionmark, exclamation mark, space and a single quotte (escaped like this \')
Invalid characters are replaced with an underscore. [Event "A - Bermuda Bowl"]
[Site "Veldhoven Netherlands"]
[Date "2011.10.?"]
[Stage "Final 4_8"]
→ A - Bermuda Bowl Veldhoven Netherlands Final 4_8 October 2011
Board Dealer and Vulnerability:
→ The Dealer tag is required, Board and Vulnerability are Optional → Defaults to be empty.
These 3 tags are combined in that order and placed in the second line of the page. It is recommended to set these tags:
If the script cannot detect the vulnerability the deal looks like this
Allowed are letters, numbers, forward slash, dot, comma, colon, semicolon, ampersand, questionmark, exclamation mark, space and a single quotte (escaped like this \')
Invalid characters are replaced with an underscore. [Board "31"]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
→ Board 31 S / NS
East North East South: Optional → Defaults to be empty
The names of the players.
Allowed are letters, numbers, forward slash, dot, comma, colon, semicolon, questionmark, exclamation mark, ampersand, space and a single quotte (escaped like this \')
Invalid characters are replaced with an underscore.
The maximum length for the North and South names is 28 characters.
The maximum length for East's name 20 characters.
The maximum length for West's name is 18 characters.
If the name is longer than the allowed length the program will keep only the first letter of the firstname:
Jonathan Gruesomelongname will become j. Gruesomelongname
If the name is still longer than alowed only the first allowed characters are displayed.
If the westname is longer the 17th or 18th character is replaced with a dot, and the full name is added to the title tag for west.
In the bidding diagram the program will keep only the first letter of the firstname and the lastname so Joe Grue becomes J. Grue.
Auction: Optional → Defaults to be empty
The auction parameter is checked if it has the correct format.
Logic errors are ignored, so you will not get a warning when south doubles north, or makes an insufficient bid.
Notes are supported as wel as the following six (nags)! ? !! ?? !? ?! [Auction "S"]
1H Pass 2C Pass
2D Pass 2H AP
Contract: Optional → Defaults to be empty
If the Contract is in the pbn it will be next to the board information like this:
Board 31 S / NS 6
Declarer: Optional → Defaults to be empty
If Declarer is in the pbn it will be next to the board information like this:
Board 31 S / NS 6 by South
Lead: Optional → Defaults to be empty
If the play is in the pbn the lead will be below the deal.
The script does a lot of filtering and most invalid parameters and errors are corrected silently.
But the Deal tag needs to be correct.
If you create the pbn yourself an error can slip in.
The following messages will help you find the error more easily.
The deal tag cannot be empty:
ERROR: The deal tag is empty Check the deal tag see below:
The deal tag is required:
The deal tag must be right
Error: the deal tag is incorrect
Check the deal tag see below:
eal E:7652.842.AT5.Q82 T.AT65.KJ86.7653 AJ98.QJ97.432.K9 KQ43.K3.Q97.AJT4
The deal tag should have Deal instead of eal
The deal tag must be a string
ERROR: The pbn parameter should be a string
Check the deal tag see below:
The deal tag must be a string here an int was send
Every card has to appear 4 times,
If not you get an error:
Error the frequency of "7" should be 4!
Check the deal tag see below:
Deal E:77652.842.AT5.Q82 T.AT65.KJ86.7653 AJ98.QJ97.432.K9 KQ43.K3.Q97.AJT4
In this deal tag the card 7 appears 5 times
There have to be 3 spaces, If not you get an error:
Error the frequency of "space" should be 3!
Check the deal tag see below:
Deal E:76 52.842.AT5.Q82 T.AT65.KJ86.7653 AJ98.QJ97.432.K9 KQ43.K3.Q97.AJT4
In this deal tag the space appears 4 times
Where the Deal starts (WNES)
Error incorrect dealer it should be one of the following W, N, E or S!
Check the deal tag see below:
Deal :7652.842.AT5.Q82 T.AT65.KJ86.7653 AJ98.QJ97.432.K9 KQ43.K3.Q97.AJT4
In this deal tag the dealer is missing
The colon is required
Error the frequency of ":" should be 1!
There must be a ":"
Check the deal tag see below:
Deal E 7652.842.AT5.Q82 T.AT65.KJ86.7653 AJ98.QJ97.432.K9 KQ43.K3.Q97.AJT4
In this deal tag the colon is missing
The 12 dots are required.
Error the frequency of "." should be 12!
The dot appears too many times or too little times
Check the deal tag see below:
Deal E:7652842.AT5.Q82 T.AT65.KJ86.7653 AJ98.QJ97.432.K9 KQ43.K3.Q97.AJT4
In this deal tag one dot is missing
Other Errormessages
You can do a maximum 36 requests per day if you do more you get:
Error: Too many requests the maximum is 36 per day.
The pbn cannot have more than 60 lines
Error the pbn has too many lines the maximum = 60 (comments are not counted as lines)