Create an editable html page.

This is ideal if you already have the PBN

Use view source to see that other formats are created: Human readable, Deal, Deep finesse, Numeric cards-direction, Numeric direction-cards

Create the situation you want

On the returned page there are a lot of links to create the situation you want see below:

Links to control elements on the page

Besides hiding and showing elements with the links you can:
click on a card to hide it
use the dropdown to hide a part of the bidding
The bottom of your "start.html" page now looks something like this:

The current state is in the text field

In the "start.html" source near the bottom you see this:

var currentstate="";


var currentstate="1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,19";


var currentstate="";

And repeat the procedure.
This way you can make a quiz or discuss a deal in several stages.

Some tips

In the source several other formats are created: Human readable format, Deal format, Deep finesse format and two numeric formats. They can be used to analyze the deal.

For the best results the javascript functions and global variables should be either in a js file or in the <head> section.
Making sure they are available when needed.
(If you create more than one html page a js file is better)
The actual function calls have to be below the diagrams.

The bids are counted like this so even empty cells are ignored! Hide_after bid 7 will fill cell 7 with a questionmark and hide bids 8 and higher.


After this you copy the created html into a html page on your own website.
This has 2 advantages: html on your own page loads 10 times as fast as php code.
And the himbuv site is not overloaded with requests.

• You can make a maximum of 36 request per day.
After that the service will not process your requests for 24 hours.
The output will be: Error: Too many requests the maximum is 36 per day.

• The service can only proces 1 deal at the time, the maximum number of lines is 60 (comments are ignored)

The pbn tags

Not all the tags are supported the supported tags are below.

The absolute minimum pbn would be:

[Deal "S:AKQ9.A63.7.A9764 J42.JT84.K9542.J T765.KQ95.Q8.KQ2 83.72.AJT63.T853"]
[Dealer "S"]

Deal Errormessages

The script does a lot of filtering and most invalid parameters and errors are corrected silently.
But the Deal tag needs to be correct.
If you create the pbn yourself an error can slip in.
The following messages will help you find the error more easily.

Other Errormessages